Friday, September 16, 2005

BUG Hunting Today

Today was a super fine BUG hunting day. Warm, bright sun, deep shadows
with a slight breeze. The Bees were out in force. They even had some
confrontations at some flowers as 2 or 3 or more attacked the flower at
the same time. This made for some wonderful capture opportunities. Even
some in-flight captures (they need to be processed). It was interesting
watching them as they went from blossom to blossom (Passion Flowers),
they would ignore most then they as a group would settle on a few select
ones as if the others were not worth their effort. It may be that the
ones that
were ignored were exhausted and at the end of their bloom. Still a
number of buds to unfold, so if the weather holds there will be more
activity over the next week or so. For me it is exciting to follow and
look in at the 1X - 1.5X magnification that I work with to watch in
detail the actions and movements and the interactions of the Bees and
other Bugs and Spiders. Mother Nature is truly amazing. Pictures from
today to follow soon.
Well enough for now.

Carole Blatchley
Photographer/Digital Artist

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