Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hunting Jumping Spiders

Very successful Bug Hunt this week end. I found a spot that has a number of Jumping Spiders, at least three varieties, as well as other Bugs. I will have to come back some more to document the life of these wonderful spiders.
Enough for now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Macro Notes

For me, to be in the field, roaming and hunting and stalking the BUGS
and other URBAN details to CAPTURE with my cameras is a challenge and
high that is exhilarating. It is my passion and I hope to share this
experience with you on an ongoing basis in the hope that you will stop
and look and see the world around you. There is unbelievable beauty to
be found even in the depths of a large Urban Environment. Everything
that I present has been found and captured in an Urban Environment.
Every City and Town has parks and gardens and playing fields where if
you look you will find an unbelievable amount of subjects for your
camera. If 'Bugs' are not to your liking then there are flowers,
patterns and small animals and birds that will abound where ever you
are. Then of course there are the general "Urban Details" every where
that you turn. The crazy sign, rust patterns, a cracked window, shadows
and patterns of light and shadow. Stop! Look! And See! Enjoy the world
around you.
It is another warm, sunny day and I am off to see what I can find in the
way of "BUGS" at my usual lunch time hunting ground. The bees were
active to the max. I was able to get some 'In-flight' images and a
number of images of dual and triple Bees on a flower. They do get
aggressive with each other, very territorial. Much like us. The 'Hunt'
today very rewarding and entertaining and some amusement. Will post some
samples from today in the next few days.
Well enough for today.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

BUG Hunting Today Addendum

These images are also from my Saturday-Bug Hunt. Enjoy.

Carole Blatchley
Photographer/Fine Artist

BUG Hunting Today

Saturday proved to be a very good day for Bug Hunting. Warm and sunny produced lots of activity. Exploring the Parks and Botanical Gardens in your area can proove to be great Bug Hunting grounds through the seasons. Lots of bees, flies, spiders, beetles and many other creatures big and small. ( today I saw some dear and of course a number of lizards) Anyway go out and have fun and Hunt Bugs.
enough for today.
Carole Blatchley
Photographer/Fine Artist

Friday, September 16, 2005

BUG Hunting Today

Today was a super fine BUG hunting day. Warm, bright sun, deep shadows
with a slight breeze. The Bees were out in force. They even had some
confrontations at some flowers as 2 or 3 or more attacked the flower at
the same time. This made for some wonderful capture opportunities. Even
some in-flight captures (they need to be processed). It was interesting
watching them as they went from blossom to blossom (Passion Flowers),
they would ignore most then they as a group would settle on a few select
ones as if the others were not worth their effort. It may be that the
ones that
were ignored were exhausted and at the end of their bloom. Still a
number of buds to unfold, so if the weather holds there will be more
activity over the next week or so. For me it is exciting to follow and
look in at the 1X - 1.5X magnification that I work with to watch in
detail the actions and movements and the interactions of the Bees and
other Bugs and Spiders. Mother Nature is truly amazing. Pictures from
today to follow soon.
Well enough for now.

Carole Blatchley
Photographer/Digital Artist

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Further MACRO Adventures

9/15/2005: Today being overcast and very cool, there was little Bee
activity. But I went out anyway, as I wanted to test my camera using the
Burst mode to try and capture some Bees in flight! Well the BURST mode
worked but I had difficulty following and keeping focus. This is
something that is going to require a great deal of PRACTICE. The results
will be well worth the effort and practice in following and manual focus
on the BEE or other flying subject. So the plan is to spend the weekend
chasing more BUGS and Bees etc.
Enough for now.
LOL [;>))

Carole Blatchley
Photographer/Digital Artist
Site One
Site Two

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Macro Bugs

Here it is the middle of the week and I have completed another shoot session. Able to capture two variteties of bees this time out. It was cool and overcast grey day but still able to find and capture two types of bees. But no luck today to capture any in flight, several near misses but no brass ring today.
Well there is always tommorrow.
Ehough for now

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Macro Shoot for the 11th of September

I set out today to capture some late summer bugs and I ended up with spiders, web makers, and some bees and late butterflies.
I fully expect that as the weather turns cooler and wetter my bugs will disappear till early spring. But that is ok I have about 4000 images to work with for my web sites and for my custom note card sets.
I will then go to my Street Shooting of the urban environment. A continuing exercise that is documenting the changes in and to my local urban environment.
Enough for now.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Athos Image Works

Here it is the end of summer and it has been months since I updated my Blog!!! And a lot has happened. I have gone to a completely new camera system that has now allowed me to get back into my true love and passion, MACRO PHOTOGRAHY, big time. I Like to explore the MACRO world of BUGS and FLOWERS at 1X + Magnification to see and share the intracasies and beauty to be found there. I will over the next few months be describing my nearly daily explorations and the excitement that I experience as I find and stalk my subjects. I am a BUG HUNTER> Welcome to my world.
Some examples of recent work may be found at: BUGS
Enough for now, more to come.